In this second article, we’ll go over how to use Supabase and Github to log our users in and out of our application.
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The first step in implementing auth in our Nuxt 3 app is to log our users in — and then log them out.
In this series, we’re covering how to use Supabase with Nuxt 3 to add auth to our apps:
In this second article, we’ll go over how to use Supabase and Github to log our users in and out of our application.
Here is what we’ll cover in this article:
Before we get too far, I want to clarify the distinction between authentication and authorization.
(It also doesn’t help that they both shorten to “auth”, so it’s not always clear which one we’re referring to!)
Here are quick definitions:
We’re only going to cover authentication here. Authorization is a much deeper subject that can involve role-based access, row-level security, and digging deeper into postgres.
If you’re interested in this, Supabase has some great tutorials on the subject.
Managing users, along with resetting passwords and everything else that goes into that, can be a huge pain.
So why bother?
Instead, we can leverage OAuth and simply piggy-back on the account systems that Github has already created. This also means our users don’t have to create another account just to use our app.
This is why we set up Github as an OAuth provider in the previous article.
Here’s the key snippet we need to login a user:
const supabase = useSupabaseAuthClient();
const login = async () => {
const { error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({
provider: 'github',
if (error) {
We get our auth client from Supabase, then use it to sign in. In the provider
field we can specify any OAuth provider that we have configured.
In our case, we only have Github configured, so that’s what we choose.
Getting someone logged in is only half the battle. We also need to give them a way to log out!
This logout
method mirrors what we just did for logging in:
const supabase = useSupabaseAuthClient();
const logout = async () => {
const { error } = await supabase.auth.signOut();
if (error) {
await navigateTo('/login');
However, at the end of the method we use the navigateTo
method that’s built-in to Nuxt 3 in order to redirect back to the login page.
We do this immediately for two reasons:
In the next article in this series we’ll see how to use route middleware to lock down pages in our application, only allowing users who have logged in.
This works by checking if the user is logged in before rendering the page. The problem when we log out is that we’re already on the rendered page, so the route middleware doesn’t get called. Redirecting back to the login page solves this issue.
We want to show some visual indication that a user is logged in, along with giving some relevant controls.
Here, we can implement a basic UserCard
component that shows the users Github avatar, name, and a button to logout:
class="rounded p-3 flex items-center space-x-3 bg-white"
class="rounded-full w-12 h-12 border-2 border-blue-400"
<div class="text-right">
<div class="font-medium">{{ name }}</div>
class="text-sm underline text-slate-500"
Log out
<script setup lang="ts">
const user = useSupabaseUser();
const name = computed(
() => user?.value.user_metadata.full_name
const profile = computed(
() => user?.value.user_metadata.avatar_url
We can grab the user
object that Github returns from the [useSupabaseUser
Then, we make a couple computed
refs to easily access our name
and profile
properties because the full, nested object path is quite long and cumbersome.
I also decided to make this component super simple to use.
Because it requires no props, slots, or events, we can drop it in wherever we need. And, it only renders if we actually have a user
logged in. If no one is logged in, user
is null
and the component doesn’t render anything!
Now we have a Nuxt app where we can log users in and out — and see their info displayed in a nice little UserCard
But we can still access our entire app, even if we’re not logged in.
The next article in this series shows how we can use route middleware in order to protect specific routes, ensuring that only users who are logged in can access them.
Next Article: Protecting Routes