Nuxt Scripts: The Answer to Third-Party Scripts Chaos

Master third-party script management with Nuxt Scripts! Boost performance, enhance privacy, and simplify integrations.

Mostafa Said
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Third-party scripts can be a real pain point for developers. We've all been there - endlessly debugging, dealing with compatibility issues and wrestling with performance problems. But what if there was a better way? Enter Nuxt Scripts, the game-changing module that's about to revolutionize the way you handle third-party scripts in your Nuxt applications.

The Hidden Costs of Third-Party Scripts

When integrating third-party scripts, you might think, “How bad could it be?” But every added script can have unintended consequences:

  • Performance Drain: Scripts can block rendering, inflate page load times, and degrade Core Web Vitals scores.
  • Security Risks: Poorly configured scripts may expose sensitive user data or inject vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance Overhead: Many scripts don’t play well with GDPR, CCPA, or other privacy regulations.
  • Debugging Nightmares: Conflicting or outdated scripts can lead to mysterious errors and maintenance headaches.

In fact, the HTTP Archive’s 2024 report on third-party scripts shows that:

  • A staggering 92% of websites still use at least one third-party script. While this percentage remains high across the board, low-ranked websites saw a slight decrease in usage, reflecting the need for better performance practices.
  • The depth of inclusion chains for third-party scripts is concerning. The median depth of these chains is 3.4, meaning that many scripts indirectly load even more third parties. Notably, 14% of chains exceed a depth of 5, with the most complex chain having a length of 2,930. This deep nesting of dependencies can increase your site’s risk of performance bottlenecks and security vulnerabilities.

Did you know? These complex chains often contribute significantly to slow load times, with third-party resources accounting for a substantial part of total page load times, impacting user experience and SEO.

What is Nuxt Scripts?

Nuxt Scripts Homepage Screenshot

Nuxt Scripts addresses these challenges head-on by offering a declarative and composable API to manage third-party scripts. Created by Harlan Wilton, a core team member of Nuxt, VueUse, and UnJS — and the author of popular tools like Unlighthouse, Unhead, and Nuxt SEO.

Nuxt Scripts simplifies the often tedious process of script management.Unlike traditional methods that require extensive manual configuration, this module provides a clean API, enabling you to seamlessly add and configure external scripts within your Nuxt app. With Nuxt Scripts, you don’t have to worry about execution order or complex interactions, making third-party script management effortless and efficient.

What Makes Nuxt Scripts Special?

Nuxt Scripts isn't just another way to load third-party scripts — it’s a comprehensive, performance-focused solution designed for seamless integrations and developer-friendly experiences. From optimizing load times to ensuring privacy compliance, here's how it stands out:

  1. Performance Optimization: Scripts are loaded only when Nuxt is ready, ensuring faster load times and reduced blocking resources.
  2. Advanced Load Control: Trigger scripts dynamically, independent of implementation specifics, with bundling for remote scripts to enhance performance.
  3. Simplified Management: Easily add, manage, and remove third-party scripts, eliminating compatibility headaches.
  4. Lazy Loading: Load scripts on demand based on user actions or specific routes, improving initial page load speed.
  5. Privacy by Default: Built-in features like consent management, crossorigin="anonymous", and referrerpolicy="no-referrer" help minimize user data exposure.
  6. Curated Script Registry: Access pre-tested integrations for common third-party applications, saving you time and effort.
  7. Developer Tools: Benefit from type safety, SSR compliance, and detailed analytics event management for better script performance insights.

Getting Started with Nuxt Scripts

To harness the power of Nuxt Scripts, follow these simple steps:


Install Nuxt Scripts:

npx nuxi@latest module add scripts

Module Registration

Register the module in your nuxt.config.ts file if not registered already:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/scripts']

Dynamically Load Third-Party Scripts

Let's create a simple example using the useScript() composable from Nuxt Scripts with Vue.js Script Setup syntax with the Composition API. We'll integrate the popular Confetti library to dynamically celebrate user interactions:

<!-- app.vue -->
      <h1>Mastering Nuxt</h1>
    <button @click="triggerConfetti">Celebrate!</button>

<script setup>
const triggerConfetti = async () => {
  await useScript("");
  const jsConfetti = new JSConfetti();


In this example, we define an asynchronous function triggerConfetti that uses the useScript composable provided by Nuxt Scripts to dynamically load the js-confetti library from JS Delivr CDN. The useScript composable ensures that the script is loaded only when it's needed, preventing unnecessary blocking of the page’s critical resources.

Once the script is successfully loaded, the function creates a new instance of JSConfetti and calls the addConfetti() method to trigger the confetti effect.

This approach demonstrates how Nuxt Scripts can be used to manage external scripts dynamically while keeping the application’s performance intact by loading scripts only when required.

Here’s the result:

Using Confetti JS with Nuxt Scripts

Using Confetti JS with Nuxt Scripts

Warmup Third-Party Scripts

Nuxt Scripts introduces a warmup strategy to optimize the loading of your scripts. While your Nuxt app is hydrating, the network might be idle. Nuxt Scripts leverages this idle time to preemptively insert link tags, like <link rel="preload"> or <link rel="preconnect">, into the document head, ensuring scripts are ready to load when needed.

For example, the warmup function explicitly warms up a script by adding these tags. This is particularly useful for scripts triggered dynamically. In the code below, we use a manual trigger for the js-confetti library, preloading it on hover for faster execution:x

<!-- app.vue -->
    <h1>Mastering Nuxt</h1>

<script setup>
const confettiScript = useScript("", {
  trigger: "manual",

const triggerConfetti = async () => {
  await confettiScript.load();
  const jsConfetti = new JSConfetti();

Here’s what happens:

  1. Hover Preload: When the user hovers over the button, the warmup('preload') method preloads the script by inserting a <link rel="preload"> tag. This ensures faster script loading when the button is clicked.
  2. On-Demand Loading: On click, the script is loaded using the load() method, and the confetti effect is triggered.

By combining manual triggers and the warmup strategy, you can fine-tune script performance for both responsiveness and efficiency. This technique is ideal for interactive features where snappy responses are key!

More About Nuxt Scripts

If you’re looking to dive even deeper into Nuxt Scripts, there’s no better way than learning from the experts themselves. Alexander Lichter, a core team member of Nuxt and a well-known advocate for performance-driven web development, has created an insightful YouTube video that breaks down the ins and outs of Nuxt Scripts.


Nuxt Scripts is undoubtedly a game-changer for managing third-party scripts in Nuxt applications. With its streamlined approach, robust features and seamless integration, developers can effortlessly optimize performance, handle errors and deliver exceptional user experiences. This article merely scratches the surface of Nuxt Scripts' vast capabilities.

Dive deeper into the Nuxt Scripts' official documentation to uncover more advanced features, configuration options and inspiring examples. The possibilities are endless, and mastering Nuxt Scripts will elevate your development workflow to new heights.

Mostafa Said
Mostafa is a full-stack developer, a full-time Instructor at Vue School, and a Vue.js Jedi.

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