Why the Mastering Nuxt course is the best way to learn Nuxt 3

Let me show you why the Mastering Nuxt 3 course is *the best* way to learn (and master) Nuxt 3.

Michael Thiessen
Nuxt 3

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Do you want to learn Nuxt 3?

There are a lot of ways you can approach this.

Some approaches will require a ton of hard work. Other methods don’t guarantee you’ll learn the important parts, or that you’ll learn them correctly.

So let me show you why the Mastering Nuxt 3 course is the best way to learn (and master) Nuxt 3.

It’s the official Nuxt 3 course

Not only is Mastering Nuxt 3 the only course on Nuxt 3, it’s also the official course.

I have partnered with VueSchool and NuxtLabs (the creators of Nuxt) in order to create this course. Their teams have been heavily involved in the creation of this course, from beginning to end.

No other course on Nuxt 3 will ever be as complete or high quality as Mastering Nuxt 3 is.

So if you’re looking for the best course to learn Nuxt 3, you’ve found it!

Learn in hours, not months

Yes, you could learn Nuxt 3 by carefully reading all the documentation, then experimenting with different features until you understand them well. It will take many days (weeks, even), but you’ll learn Nuxt 3 deeper and more completely than any other way.

But if you’re a busy dev trying to ship code, you likely don’t have that kind of time.

Luckily for you, I’ve spent months learning Nuxt 3 deeply so that you don’t have to. Instead, just follow along with the course.

I’ve packaged up the most important insights, the tricky parts that confused me most, and the most valuable best practices — all into an easy-to-digest course.

Learn through building

In this course we build an online course platform, similar to the one you’ll take the course on (yes, it’s quite meta).

This means you’ll be able to see all of the most important features of Nuxt 3 in action, and not isolated in a dumbed down Todo List app.

Of course, while building a production-ready app is fun, I’ve worked hard to keep the focus on actually learning Nuxt 3, not on adding tons of cool features that don’t really help you learn.

Go beyond the features for deep understanding

I don’t want you to just learn the features of Nuxt 3.

That’s what the docs are for.

My goal is that you come away from this course with a deep understanding of how Nuxt 3 works. You should be able to apply your new knowledge to any Nuxt 3 app — instead of just learning how to build the demo app.

We do deep dives into several different topics:

  • Universal Rendering — the secret behind Nuxt’s speed
  • Nitro — the engine that powers the magic of Nuxt
  • Architecture — so you can build apps that are easy to maintain over time

You will truly come away from this course as a “Master of Nuxt 3”.

What others are already saying about it

But don’t take my word for it.

I am a little biased here…

Victor was one of the first to go through the course, and has said many lovely things about it. Here’s just one of them:

“One of the things I love about the course is that it simulates an actual project development environment, so there are lots and lots of things to learn (my opinion, anyway).” — Victor Kane

We’ve also been getting lots of great comments on Discord. This one is from ineation, and it’s a great example of how we’re constantly digging deeper into each feature:

“I loved the 1-12 Tracking progress. Really interesting discussion about hydration mismatch due to difference in state server-side vs client-side and great ways to solve it.” — ineation (Discord)

And then there’s Tyler:

“I'm really enjoying this course. I just finished chapter 2.” — Tyler Etters

And the Mastering Nuxt 3 Course is on Sale!

The Mastering Nuxt 3 course is on sale as part of Black Friday. You can get 30% discount on both the Essentials and Complete packages.

There is also the amazing SUPER bundle where you can get 60% off the ultimate collection to learn Vue.js and Nuxt. The bundle includes Mastering Nuxt 2, Mastering Nuxt 3 AND the Vue.js 3 Masterclass.

Make sure you visit masteringnuxt.com to check out the deals.

Michael Thiessen
Michael is a passionate full time Vue.js and Nuxt.js educator. His weekly newsletter is sent to over 11,000 Vue developers, and he has written over a hundred articles for his blog and VueSchool.

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