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5-9 Setting up Prisma

In this lesson, we begin setting up our Supabase database to use with Prisma.

We first install the Prisma VSCode extension and configure it to auto-format our Prisma schema file. We do this by using Workspace settings in VS Code.

Finally, we configure Netlify with one database URL for production, and another for development. Our production app requires us to use “connection pooling”, which we don’t need for development.

UPDATE, December 2023: The code repo has been updated to use DATABASE_URL and DIRECT_DB_URL environment variables with our Prisma schema (created in the next lesson). You’ll create these when following the linked guide below.

UPDATE, March 2023: Prisma keeps changing things, so please follow the linked guide below for the most up-to-date info on setting up Prisma with Supabase.

Prisma: Setting up Supabase with Prisma: Connection pooling: