Mastering Nuxt Year End Wrap Up

Nuxt soared in 2023! This article provides an overview on the year's highlights for Mastering Nuxt in 2023

Michael Thiessen
Nuxt 3

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This Year in Mastering Nuxt

It's been quite a year for us with Mastering Nuxt!

Let me take some time to show you all the things I've been up to, and give you an update on the course.

Mastering Nuxt 3 Completed

2023 has been a landmark year for Mastering Nuxt, particularly with the completion of Mastering Nuxt 3.

The final video for the course was completed in February! The course now has 7 comprehensive modules, encompassing over 70 lessons, meticulously designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned developers.

You learn how to build a full-stack app in Nuxt 3, going from the frontend to the backend and everything in-between. This course is not just about learning —  it's about mastering the art of Nuxt 3.

By delving into each aspect, you will gain a holistic understanding of how to create robust full-stack applications.

The curriculum is rich and diverse, covering a range of critical topics:

  • File-based Routing: We delve deep into the nuances of Nuxt's routing system, exploring nested and dynamic routes to give you full control over your application's navigation.
  • Loading Data Asynchronously: You'll learn about isomorphic data and caching strategies to optimize your app's performance and user experience.
  • Organizing Your Code: I guide you through best practices in structuring your code, focusing on pages, layouts, components, and the use of composables for clean and maintainable codebases.
  • Deploying and Hosting with Netlify: Step-by-step instructions will empower you to deploy your applications efficiently, ensuring they are accessible and scalable.
  • SEO Optimization: This section is dedicated to teaching you how to improve your app's visibility with strategies like using static assets and understanding different rendering modes like SSR and SSG.

The modules in the course are carefully structured to take you through a gradual learning curve:

  1. Building Our MVP: Here, we start with the basics, constructing a Minimum Viable Product that sets the foundation for more advanced concepts.
  2. Architecture and Organizing our Code: This module focuses on creating a solid architecture for your app and organizing your code efficiently.
  3. Making Our App Robust: We delve into techniques to enhance the reliability of your application.
  4. Route Middleware and Authentication: Security is paramount, and this module teaches you how to implement middleware for routes and secure your app with authentication.
  5. Server Routes: Explore the backend aspect of Nuxt 3, learning how to manage server-side routes effectively.
  6. State Management with Pinia: Master state management in Vue 3 apps using Pinia, an essential skill for modern web development.
  7. Building a Sales Page: The final piece, where we tie in payments and webhooks into our authentication system.

Additionally, the course introduces a range of technologies crucial for building full-stack Nuxt 3 apps:

  • Supabase: For auth and powering our database, providing a seamless integration for user management and data storage.
  • Prisma: Learn to use Prisma for type-safe, easy-to-use database schemas and access.
  • Stripe: Integrate Stripe to add a payment system to your course.
  • Vue 3: Of course, the cornerstone of Nuxt 3.
  • TypeScript: Introduced gently, this module ensures you can leverage TypeScript's power without the overwhelm.
  • Nitro and h3: Understand the backbone of Nuxt 3, learning how Nitro and h3 power the framework.

This comprehensive coverage ensures that by the end of this course, you will not only have learned but mastered the art of building full-stack applications with Nuxt 3.

Whether you are looking to enhance your existing skills or start from scratch, Mastering Nuxt 3 is tailored to cater to a wide range of learning needs, setting you on the path to becoming a skilled Nuxt 3 developer.

Nuxt Nation 2023

But that's not all!

This year was also special because I had the opportunity to share my insights and experiences at Nuxt Nation 2023.

During my talk at Nuxt Nation, I showed how we can leverage Nuxt Content to create interactive quizzes. What makes them particularly unique is that they are written in Markdown. This means they are incredibly easy to create and manage, even for those who might not be deeply versed in complex web development techniques.

But the magic of these quizzes lies in their components.

They sync with each other automagically, which is the key to making the whole interactive experience work. You place the components on the page, and they talk to each other behind the scenes, allowing us to score and update our questions as needed.

I've also applied these principles in a practical setting.

This year, I built a course platform (which you can check out here), where these quizzes play a central role. They're a core part of the learning experience, helping students test their understanding and retain information in a more effective and engaging way.

Lots of Tutorials and Articles Published

In addition to the course and my presentation at Nuxt Nation, I've been busy writing a series of tutorials and articles.

These pieces are designed to deepen your understanding of Nuxt 3 and provide practical, real-world insights into how to use the framework effectively.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, these articles cover a wide range of topics, from basic concepts to more advanced techniques.

Here's a list of them.

Using OAuth in Nuxt 3

OAuth is a widely-used industry standard for securely accessing user information without giving access to their passwords. In this article, I give an overview of how it works, and why we use it for authentication in our Nuxt 3 apps — including the app we build in Mastering Nuxt 3.

Read it here: Using OAuth in Nuxt 3.

Writing a Cache Composable in Nuxt 3

Today we’ll be writing our own composable that adds basic caching to useFetch. This article guides you through the process of creating a composable in Nuxt 3, a crucial skill for optimizing your applications.

Read it here: Writing a Cache Composable in Nuxt 3.

Auth in Nuxt 3: Setting Up Supabase Auth With Nuxt 3

In this series, we’ll be covering how to use Supabase with Nuxt 3 to add auth to our apps. This first article goes over how to set up Supabase in our Nuxt project, providing a step-by-step guide to integrating this powerful tool.

Read it here: Setting Up Supabase Auth With Nuxt 3.

Better Navigation with NuxtLink

The NuxtLink component may seem simple at first glance, but there’s a lot going on beneath the surface. This article explores the depths of NuxtLink, revealing how to use it to improve your site’s navigation.

Read it here: Better Navigation with NuxtLink.

Handling Assets in Nuxt 3

Nuxt 3 gives us two great options for managing all of our assets in our web app. But what’s the difference, and how do you know which to use? This article dives into asset management, a key aspect of any web development project.

Read it here: Handling Assets in Nuxt 3.

Compressing Images With Vite and Vsharp

Images are usually the biggest cause of slow webpages. This article tackles how we can improve our page speeds in Nuxt by compressing images, a critical technique for enhancing website performance.

Read it here: Compressing Images With Vite and Vsharp.

What is Universal Rendering?

This article delves deeper into the workings of SPAs, SSRs, and the innovative Universal Rendering of Nuxt. It's an essential read for anyone looking to understand the core concepts of rendering in modern web applications.

Read it here: What is Universal Rendering?.

Prisma with Nuxt 3: Setting Up Prisma (with Supabase)

This is the first article in a series dedicated to showing you how to use Prisma to manage your databases in your Nuxt 3 app. It provides a practical guide to integrating Prisma with Supabase, enhancing your app's data handling capabilities.

Read it here: Setting Up Prisma with Supabase.

24 Time Saving Tips for Nuxt 3

Nuxt has so many amazing features. This article is a compilation of 24 tips to help you save time and write better Nuxt apps, perfect for those looking to streamline their development process.

Read it here: 24 Time Saving Tips for Nuxt 3.

6 People to Follow in the Nuxt Community

This article will highlight a few people in the Nuxt community that are worth following to learn more about Nuxt and to stay connected with what’s going on in the community and ecosystem.

Read it here: 6 People to Follow in the Nuxt Community.

Custom Error Pages in Nuxt 3

This article dives into how to create a custom error page for Nuxt 3

applications to replace Nuxt 3's built in error page. It's a must-read for those looking to customize their Nuxt 3 apps further.

Read it here: Custom Error Pages in Nuxt 3.

Handling Errors in Nuxt 3

This article explores errors you may face in building your Nuxt 3 application, and how you can handle these errors to make your application rock solid. It's an invaluable resource for enhancing the robustness of your Nuxt 3 projects.

Read it here: Handling Errors in Nuxt 3.

How to Use Error Handling to Create Rock Solid Nuxt Apps

This article explores preventing user frustrations in your Nuxt 3 application by building rock solid applications through error handling. It's a deep dive into strategies for creating reliable and user-friendly Nuxt 3 apps.

Read it here: How to Use Error Handling to Create Rock Solid Nuxt Apps.

Dynamic Pages and Route Params in Nuxt 3

Nuxt 3 routing builds on the functionality of Nuxt 2 by giving you more ways than ever before to express your dynamic routes. Get more information on new features as well as what got dropped in this comprehensive guide.

Read it here: Dynamic Pages and Route Params in Nuxt 3.

10 of the Best Nuxt 3 Tutorials

This article is a compilation of 10 amazing tutorials to help you get started with Nuxt 3 or help you on your Nuxt 3 journey. It's a treasure trove of resources for anyone looking to deepen their Nuxt 3 knowledge.

Read it here: 10 of the Best Nuxt 3 Tutorials.


Yeah, so a lot of stuff happened in 2023.

But I feel like we're just getting started.

In 2023 we laid a great foundation, and in 2024 we'll be able to build on that foundation and make Mastering Nuxt 3 an even better resource for Nuxt 3 developers.

There is no better time than now to get in on it and learn Nuxt 3.

If your employer offers a professional development budget, it's probably resetting soon, so use it before you lose it!

It's also a great time of year to step back and take some time to level up your skills and knowledge — it's what I love to do around the holidays.

Get Mastering Nuxt 3 now and level up your skills.

Consider it a gift to your future self!

Michael Thiessen
Michael is a passionate full time Vue.js and Nuxt.js educator. His weekly newsletter is sent to over 11,000 Vue developers, and he has written over a hundred articles for his blog and VueSchool.

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